In game theory, a contingent cooperator is a person or agent who is willing to act in the collective interest, rather than his short-term selfish interest, if he observes a majority of the other agents in the collective doing the same. The apparent contradiction in this stance is resolved by game theory, which shows that in the right circumstances, cooperation with a sufficient number of other participants will have a better outcome for cooperators than pursuing short-term selfish interests.

ABC of contingent cooperators involved in projects presented at SAMENWERK (incomplete)

Alexandra Colmenares Cossio

Mattias Deboutte

Francis Delacroix

Arthur De Roover

Sam De Vocht – founder of SAMENWERK

Juan Duque

Armand Eeckels

Caspar Frenken

Bruno Heuleu

Thomas Hick

Ann Maelbrancke

Suguru Nozaki

Steven Vanbesien

Mathias Vandenbulcke

Elise Vandewalle

Mieke Vanderlinden

Filip Van De Voorde

Crispijn Van Sas